Saturday, May 30, 2009

Digi Broadband rocks!

Had enough of the poor streamyx at my place, finally I went to purchase Digi Broadband. I just need to wait for an hour to have it activated, and it rocks!

I signed up the cheapest package to test it out, and if you sign up now (I think before end of June), you get additional RM5 discount plus auto-billing will give you another RM5 off your monthly bill, that makes the package price at RM48/month. Of course, if you decided to go with the Digi modem, you have to top up another RM15/month for the next 12 months, which I did. The modem certainly doesn't look sleek or cool, but it works!

At peak hours (it is peak from streamyx's point of view) around 10-11pm, I am getting over 1MB of download speed when I try out some youtube videos. The package actually only promise 700 kps speed.

I am saying good bye to the endless streamyx support calls, talking to some of the worse support crews I have ever experienced. I don't have to put up with the poor streamyx connection anymore.

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