Friday, December 4, 2009

No More Prostars/Corinthians...

In a statement released on the website of Prostars, they are stopping production of Prostars. I have been a collector for some years, I guess this is the end of it.


We are aware that there have been recent discussions on the Collectors Forum regarding the future of ProStars, so in order to clarify the current situation we are making the following announcement.

We can confirm that after much deliberation there will NOT be any further releases of ProStars figures for the foreseeable future although we will continue to produce MicroStars. Please be assured that this decision has not been taken lightly, and has been triggered by market conditions, increased manufacturing costs, license negotiations and the fees required to secure these high profile licenses.

Collectors should be aware that we continue to hold licenses to produce ProStars figures of Manchester United and Arsenal. However, we have decided to let the Serie A, Barcelona, Celtic, Rangers and Chelsea licenses lapse, and the Liverpool license expires in the middle of August.

Please note that we will explore the feasibility of producing Team Packs should Manchester United or Arsenal, win a major competition. We therefore will continue to watch league tables and tournament progress with interest!

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Trade customers and collectors, who have loyally supported the brand since its inception in 1995, and we look forward to keeping in touch with you all.

The ProStars Team

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