Friday, October 24, 2008

Hot Ads of PETA

PETA’s too hot for TV ads include “Sexy Sausage,” and “ Milk Gone Wild.”

Green Sex: By the Numbers

  • 60 to 100 million: Number of condoms that are improperly disposed of each year in the U.K.

  • 7/8: Ratio of sex toys tested which contained phthalates (in concentrations ranging from 24 to 51 percent), to all toys tested, in a study conducted for Greenpeace Netherlands.

  • Almost 50 percent: Number of pregnancies in the U.S. which are unplanned each year; the U.S. has one of the highest rates of unintended pregnancies of all industrialized nations.

  • 20 percent: Percentage of adults worldwide who has used a vibrator.

  • 22 percent: the percentage of people worldwide who have had sex in the garden.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's the small touches that won me over.

Got this from 37Signals blog... good read

It’s the small touches that won me over. Well designed, a bit of attitude, and useful.

—App store reviewer Jragon on Sketches. Should good software have ‘a bit of attitude’?